October 28, 2011

Deviled Egg Eyeballs

Another fun Halloween idea! I have not made these yet, but I will be tomorrow!

Recipe and Photo from Recipe Shoebox

6 hard boiled eggs
1/4 c mayonnaise
1-2 tsp yellow mustard
salt/ pepper to taste
black olives
red and blue food coloring
piping bag

The Directions:
Slice your hard boiled eggs in half lengthwise. Scoop (or pop) out the yellow yolk into a small bowl.
Mash up the yolks with a fork and then add mayonnaise and mustard. Blend well to make as smooth as possible. Add salt and pepper according to your tastes. You may also want to add more mayonnaise or mustard depending on your taste. Add a couple drops of blue food coloring and mix well.

Cut your olives into slices. You can choose to leave them round and have round black eyeballs in the middle, or cut smaller pieces of olive to represent the iris. Place your olives in the middle of the yolk.

Squeeze a little red food coloring onto a plate or even a spoon to use. Take the tip of your toothpick and dip it in the food coloring. Now draw red squiggle lines to make it look like the eyes are blood shot.

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